Sunday, April 28, 2013


Please take a moment to check your Zangle Account
  • Remember you have approximately 18 regular days left in school.  (Not counting finals)
  • Please do not get behind in your classes.
  • Continue your research
  • You may take notes or type your information onto a Word Document
  • You HAVE to cite three references (where you got your information) An example, "according to wikipidia ...."  
Time Frame
  • You have three more lab days after today.
  • Do not waste your time. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Sunday, February 3, 2013


8th grade

Grade Check
  • If you are wondering why your grade is so low, please look at your Binder check paper and see what you missed. 
  • Binder corrections must be done no later than Thursday by 3:50 (tutoring)
  • If you need corrections, place your binder on my desk on Tuesday or Thursday when you move into your tutorial groups.  Highlight the object you need me to look at on your binder check paper.
Start your assignment - see posts below. 

8th Grade -MOT

 Complete your Grade Check First...then...
  1. Print out a child from the "Forget-me- not" link
  2. Finish your original maps
  3. Finish the second round of maps
  4. Watch the Testimonies from each section (if you have headphones)
  5. Go through the "Children of the Holocaust" Links ( if you do not have headphones)

Children of the Holocaust

Child Profile Card
Please choose a name, click, and print. You will need this profile for your final project.
You only need to print one profile.

Forget-me -not < ------- Click

Children of the Holocuast - read , takes notes, and write a reflection 
Hidden Children - Introduction
Children During the Holocaust
USHMM for Students
Anne Frank - Virtual Museum

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Click on the Logo above 
Watch one  testimony from each  section;
  • Life Before Genocide
  • Hiding
  • Ghettos
  • Camps
  • Liberation
  • Life After Genocide
 Take notes or write a reflection for each testimony.

When you finish - You may watch multiple testimonies from each section and or watch testimonies for the sections not listed above.

Friday, February 1, 2013


  1. Please finish your original maps. 
  2. Watch the following three maps below and take note.
  3. At least 3 facts per map.
  4. Do not forget your reflection for each map.  I think, believe, feel...     Liberation of Nazi camps - Liberation

Monday, January 14, 2013


  1. Fold your paper Cornell style
  2. Title your Notes- "Holocaust Maps"
  3. Due to the size of each individuals writing, I would recommend you write the titles as you view the maps, this way you are not limited on space. Some notes may be up to two pages long.
  4. You will watch each video and write down 3 facts for each
  5. You will also reflect on the new information you learned after each video by reflecting on what you learned from the map in three or more sentences. This reflection can be a mix of facts, thoughts, opinions, and questions.
  6. Repeat process for each video
WWII and the Holocaust
The Holocaust
Warsaw Ghetto
The Voyage of the St. Louis  
An example of Map Notes.  You are responsible for the left and right columns.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Career/Major (7th Grade)

 Set up your Powerpoint
Continue your research by using the Princeton review site. Links are provided below.

Princeton Review  or Princeton Review (extras)

You may have to sign into Printout Review to access the above page and information. Use the same user name and password that we use for College Prowler

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

MOT Lesson (8th Grade)

1) Lesson: Complete your vocabulary by using an online dictionary.  Please make sure you use the complete definition.  If the term has two or more definitions, use the one that relates the closest to the topic of the Holocaust.

2) If you have completed your Holocaust Lesson please complete your PE Vocabulary.  


3) Once you finish your two vocabulary assignments,  you may play "cool math games"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Majors and Careers (7th Grade)

Lesson Plan

  1.  Explore the College Prowler "Find a Major"  Website. College Prowler
  2. Take at least 15 minutes to explore the many majors on the page.  Click on a few that catch your eye as well as the one you are interested in.
  3.  Decide on one major to focus your notes on.  Yesterday we completed an example of how to take notes on your Major. Use this example to guide you.  
  4. Your notes may take more than one page.  Take up as many pages as you like. 
  5. Once your finish your notes on your Major please do one of the following
    1. Explore other websites located below and expand your notes or Google your major and continue adding other information you find on your career to your notes. 
    2. Princeton Review , My Majors or College Board
  6. You can also take a "quiz" and write down your results in your notes.  Each quiz can take up to 15-20minutes. Read carefully.
    2. What is my major - quiz 
    3. Major Quiz
  7.  If you complete your Notes and Quiz, please answer the questions we wrote down on Tuesday. The 8 questions you wrote on three pages.
  8. If you complete your Major Research Notes and Quiz, you may work on your PE Vocab.